We'd love for YOU to Join The Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce to work on our mission for the Klamath River Valley and the friendly little town of Happy Camp, CA!
Membership is $100 per year - (or $50 for home based businesses, non profits, retired persons, etc. ) Pay online here with your visa or mastercard.
The mission of the Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce is promote and encourage business, commerce, and quality of life for the citizens of Happy Camp and the Highway 96, Klamath River Corridor.
One of the Chamber's main focus is encouraging tourism! (Tourists spend $ in our community and is "new $.") The Chambers two main tools to promote tourism are the website and the chamber office. The website encourages potential tourists to come here while they are in the trip planning stage. The Chamber office is to encourage tourists driving through to explore the Happy Camp area. By exploring they then spend the night, eat in the restaurants, purchase groceries and gifts at our retail outlets, and buy gas at our gas cardlock!. Those dollars are then passed around the community and those businesses may then hire more people creating jobs. Jobs are a number ONE concern in Happy Camp!
Click the PDF file below to download an application for membership.
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2014 HCChamberMenbership.pdf Size : 659.723 Kb Type : pdf |
The Chamber meets annually on the first Tuesday in March to elect a board of directors who will direct the day to day business of the Chamber.
At that annual meeting the President will open the floor for nominations for board members who will serve for a one year term. If a nomination has a second, and that person agrees to serve, their name will be entered into the election.
The board can have no fewer then 7 board members. After an election takes place, the new board will meet separately to elect officers.
The board is to meet at least monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. The meeting will be open for all to attend and participate in the discussions. When votes are taken on issues, it is only the board members that vote. The reason for this is that if the general membership were allowed to vote it would require a quorum - more then half - of the general membership for a legal vote. This is extremely difficult to obtain at every meeting.
The meeting and procedures are run according to "Roberts Rules of Parliamentary Procedures."
A meeting agenda will be posted and emailed to the members at least 5 days or posted on the website before a meeting. If members have an item they wish to have added to the agenda they should contact the Chamber office and request to have it added. Or, there is an opportunity towards the end of every meeting to address any "new business."
The application to join the Chamber is posted above.
2014 Board of Directors
President: Daniel Effman, Kwik Dogs & More (Vendor & Catering) Vice President: Rosemary Boren, Ron's Classic Cars & Hot Rods Secretary/Treasurer, Judy Bushy, Happy Camp News and Cathy Huggins, Director at large.

Above, top: The 2011 Interim Board of Directors: Pete & Terry Winslow, Kirk Eadie, Cathleen Searle, Dinah , Montine Blervins and James Buchner.
Above, bottom: Cutting the ribbon for the dedication of the Bigfoot Scenic Byway April 1st, 2001.
Below, top: The 2001 Happy Camp Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors: Donna McCulley, Rosemary Boren, Debbie Whitman, Harvey Shinar, Tom Waddell,, Jeanne, Gini Hyde and Howard Garthwait.
Below, bottom: Sportsman's Show at Siskiyou Golden Fairgrounds Karen Buchner, James Buchner, Dan Bushy, Judy Bushy and Montine Blevins.